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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Reaction of the Resident Commissioner to the Governor’s “State of the State” Message

San Juan, PR--- “Tonight, Governor Luis Fortuño described the current situation facing our Island and laid out his vision for the future. The last two years have been years to reconstruct, to right our path, and to set ourselves on the path towards progress. Without doubt, they have been difficult, but it now is the time that we will see the results of the hard work we have undertaken. The creation of new jobs, the comprehensive tax reform, the new permitting law, the Mi Salud health program, the new schools, the new transportation system and the improvements to our highways, the renewable energy projects, the social welfare initiatives, and the fight against crime will frame the coming years of this administration. We will begin to reap the fruit of a job well done.

This government has confronted great challenges and Governor Fortuño’s leadership has the confidence of the people. I have no doubt that our people will positively judge his policies and efforts. It is time to focus on the work that remains to be done so that we can enjoy a better quality of life on our Island.”